28 August 2010
Deadline to RSVP for Launch & Charity
Attention MyMeApparel Staff / Voluntees / Supporters / Vendors and Friends: If you are attempting to get incontact with Valeri Reaves, the best way is via mymeapparel@yahoo.com or FaceBook Inbox.
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
Urban Spice Magazine Seeks Seven Designers
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
26 August 2010
MyMeApparel Meeting - Tonight 08/26/10 @ The Taste
The MyMeApparel meeting is at 7:00pm today at The Taste Sports Bar & Grill at
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
20 August 2010
Thank you to our sponsors: Sand Stone, Inc.

Douglasville 770-920-1003
7262 Bankhead Hwy
Douglasville, Geaorgia 30134
Please take a moment to visit their website:
They have great customer service and quality products!!!!
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
19 August 2010
18 August 2010
Bang by Marc Jacobs

MyMeApparel Alert: Acronym Changed to ME!

~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
Happy Birthday, Reco!!!

House of Chapple
Bravo's The Fashion Show Contestant
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!MMA Alert: Faces of MMA

Heel sizes may vary according to comfort/preference, but must at least 3", not be flats.
MMA has access to wholesaler (4"heels) - if several of you don't have them,
you could purchase as a group, but at least five pairs must be required to warrant purchase.
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!Volunteer for Family Fun Day: Nicholas House
Nicholas House Homeless Shelter - the MMA 2010 Charitable Recipients of Project 100 Totes
They are having a Family Fun Day and need volunteers ... please help...thank you!
Volunteer For Family Fun Day!
Location:Nicholas House!
Time:10:30AM Saturday, August 21st
Go to: http://web.me.com/nicholashouse/NiH/Welcome.html for more information!
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
16 August 2010
Talent Re-emerging: Sommer Kelly
She's baaaack!
Sommer Kelly - model, fashion designer (of Thirteen - evening and urban wear, set to launch April 2011) and blogger.
Listen up yal, cuz she's got something to say, or .... is it the way ... she wears her hair or struts down the runway ...

Check out her blog & comp card at:
Friend her on Facebook: Sommer Kelly
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
14 August 2010
MMA FaceBook Notes Update
Check it out on Facebook - Valeri Reaves , MyMeApparel... (Notes tab) ...
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
11 August 2010
MMA OPS - home of the information of opportunities related to modeling, acting and resource gigs both MyMeApparel and Non-MyMeApparel Postings (as indicated).
Note: Posting of non-MMA opportunities does not endorse this organizations and/or the opportunity. Usage of information adn participation is at the individual's descretion and risk.
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!
MyMeApparel Fashion Launch and Project Night Night Charity to benefit Nicholas House Homeless Shelter - September 23, 2010 at the Downtown Conference Center in Historic Downtown Douglasville, GA.
~MyMeApparel Head Fashion Designer & Founder, Valeri L. Reaves, write me @ mymeapparel@yahoo.com!